An Alternative To Dieting

An Alternative To Dieting
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Diets don't work, so try an alternative to dieting instead - a healthy lifestyle.

• Health: Diet • Health: DIY • Health: Food & Nutrition • Health: How-To

It's easy to look at somebody who is overweight, or see your own high bodyfat levels, and assume that a simple diet will solve the problem. Stop eating fatty foods, drop some weight, and you'll be lighter and healthier, right?

The fact is, diets just don't work for most people. They may help you shed pounds early on but the majority of people who diet can't keep the pounds off in the long run. Most diets fail fairly fast but even those that last longer often fail before five years. On top of that, studies have shown that dieting may not make you healthier. Life is about balance and figuring out which Lifestyle Habits To Keep Or Lose.

Simply changing a bad eating habit or two isn't the solution to a better you. Kicking that nasty processed foods habit (see Processed Foods - High Carbs, Low Nutrition) is a good start but more is needed. Developing a healthy lifestyle is the key to weight loss and getting healthier, but where do you begin? Start by reading A Healthy Lifestyle - Where Do You Start? and Change your life in 30 days.

Watching what you eat isn't enough, changing your entire strategy for eating is the key. Start with that by Choosing A Diet Of The Healthiest Vegetables. You also need to learn to eat less which is difficult for most people. We're programmed to fill our plate with food but one strategy that can break that cycle is to Eat Until 80% Full, Live Longer. Different foods can benefits your body in different ways. For example, there are certain Foods To Eat For Optimal Oral Health and Gluten-Free Diet Benefits. Starting a new routine is tough, so consider a detox after reading up on the Health Benefits Of Detox.

Investigate different fruits and veggies to see what will be best for your body. Start by reading up on the Health Benefits Of Goji Berries, the Health Benefits Of Aloe, the Health Benefits Of Chickpeas, and the Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil. And don't forget to drink, water that is. Skip the soda and Starbucks (see How Much Caffeine Is In Stuff) and stick with some refreshing water which has been proven to be great for your health (see Top 8 Health Benefits Of Water).

Now you need to lose some weight, so try these Easy Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting and learn 6 Simple Ways To Cut 250 Calories Per Day. Exercise will always be a great way to drop the pounds while also making your body a healthier place. If you have medical conditions you'll also want to read up on the Effects Of Exercise On Medical Conditions and Exercise That Works For Arthritis. Knowing the key Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation is also a great bit of knowledge to have. Talk to your doctor as well before making any major changes and get their opinion on the ideas you have.

As with any major life changes, the key is Finding The Right Balance For Optimal Health. You don't have to give up all of life's tasty foods and start yourself on a meal replacement shake (see Soylent Meal Replacement Review), but you need to find balance, work on portion control, and diversify what you eat. Even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knows this as they introduce a new food label (see The FDA's New Nutrition Facts Label) but simply knowing how much sugar is in your food isn't the whole story.

As part of your new, healthy lifestyle you should also look around your home and office. Take note of the chemicals being used for cleaning (for example). Is Bleach Making You Sick? Study Says Yes! Or maybe stop using those nasty hair dye chemicals. Go natural or try Coloring Your Hair with Koolaid. Even starting at your smartphone so much isn't a healthy habit. Learn how to Easily Kick Your Smartphone Addiction. Consider meditating (see Meditation: A Beginners Guide). Read up on ways to Reducing Stress because Reducing And Managing Stress is another key habit to a healthy life.