Effects Of Exercise On Medical Conditions

Effects Of Exercise On Medical Conditions
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Exercise is important if you want your body to be at optimal health.

• Health: Chronic Illness • Health: Exercise • Health: Natural Remedies • Health: Tips & Tricks

It doesn’t matter what medical problem you may have. Sometimes, the condition leaves you feeling like exercise is the last thing in the world you need. Consider an autoimmune disorder or thyroid disorder. With these conditions you can face depression, weight gain, achiness all over your body, fatigue, and a long list of other symptoms that not only don’t have you considering exercise, but making you feel like you couldn’t do it if you wanted too. The truth is, however, that many symptoms that are common in a lot of illnesses can be reduced through exercise.

Here are a few common medical symptoms that you can help reduce and the type of exercise that will best be able to help you do so:

  • Reduced body metabolism, depression, “brain fog”—When your body metabolism decreases, you gain weight. Depression can also cause weight gain. The best exercise for these symptoms is aerobic exercise. It gets your body pumping and uses enough energy to help you lose the unwanted pounds. It also helps your body to increase the good cholesterol and decrease the bad.

  • If you’re suffering from a combination of depression, anxiety, and cognitive function, it can help to do aerobic exercise and add weight training. These two things can help you to reduce anxiety and improves cognitive function by giving you clearer thinking.

  • Stress—Just about any exercise can help you reduce stress. Simply taking a walk can help clear your head, reflect on your day, and prepare for the next without any outside pressure. Depending on your stress levels, you may want to add a more strenuous workout involving cardio and weight exercises to your exercise regimen.

Exercise helps reduce stress by pumping up your endorphins, helps you forget stressful daily activities and focus on the exercise, and helps to improve your mood.

Since stress can lead to high many other conditions including high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, exercise to reduce stress can also have long-term results.

  • Joint pain/Inflammation—Those who have inflammation, especially in the joints, often don’t exercise. If you suffer from joint pain, especially if caused from arthritis, you should consult a physician before you begin exercising. The most common exercise plan includes a variety of exercise that works best in this order: Warm up, flexibility/stretching exercise, strength training, aerobic exercise, and then cool down. You can start slow and increase as you are able.

  • Heart Conditions—Regular exercise can increase your recovery from heart attacks, improve your heart’s function, and reduce the medication you may need. For those with cardiovascular disorders, exercise is important. The best type of workout includes all types of exercise. Stretching, cardiovascular/aerobic, and strengthening in combination works best. Be sure to pay attention to your body when you exercise. If you become short of breath, become fatigued, or experience chest pain, you should stop and consult your physician if it continues.

Sweating in a gym isn’t the only way to exercise. Aerobic exercise can be walking quickly, water aerobics, riding a bike, tennis, dancing, or even mowing your lawn with a push mower. Whatever your medical condition, it can probably be helped by adding exercise to your daily activities. If you feel you don’t have time to exercise, find ways to fit exercise activities into what you do each day. For example, you can take the stairs instead of the elevator or park near the end of the lot and walk to your office. Every little thing can help.