Easy Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting
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Super easy tips to lose weight and be healthier without dieting.

• Health: Diet • Health: DIY • Health: Food & Nutrition • Health: How-To • Health: Tips & Tricks
• Health: Weight Loss

Diets aren't for everybody. In fact, diets really aren't for anybody. Many believe that diets simply don't work, and they truly don't work in the long run for most people. So, rather than dieting, try making some simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. Our easy to use ideas can help you lose weight and get healthier.

Eat Breakfast

You know what they say, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Turns out, they're right. If you skip breakfast you'll be far hungrier for lunch, and hungrier earlier than usual. This leads to overeating at lunchtime and often making poor lunch choices as well. The key is having a healthy breakfast rather than one that is filled with heavy, greasy items like bacon and sausage. Avoid cereals that are high in sugar as well.

If you have to run out the door to work (etc) considering bringing a healthy snack. An apple or banana is a great choice, travels well, and is easy to eat without making a mess.

Skip Coffee

For most, morning coffee is a ritual and while coffee itself isn't the problem, the added sugar is. Certainly, if your routine involves one of those popular chain coffee shops then skip it entirely. That's just pure sugar and thus pure calories.

If you don't want to give up coffee, which actually has some health benefits in moderation, then try drinking it without sugar. If sweetener is a must, try adding in a natural sweetener like stevia or even honey. Either way, read the labels to know how many calories you'll be adding and avoid drinking too much coffee.

Add Veggies

I know, you're well aware of the health benefits of eating vegetables. For most of us, the problem is actually eating more vegetables (or maybe any). The easy solution to this problem is to simply add one more serving of veggies to each meal you eat. That's it. Just add one more serving and eat those before you eat the rest of the food on your plate. If you're not a fan of veggies you'll find they're easier to eat when you're the hungriest. Eating them first means that when you're full and still have food on your plate you've eaten the healthy bits off your plate first.

Add Fruits

Just as with adding another serving of veggies to your meal, try also adding a serving of fruit. This time, view the fruit as your dessert. Our minds tend to "save room" when we know there's a tasty dessert at the end of a meal and so we're more likely to skip extra helpings of the main course. So simple, but it can work!

Skip Sugar Water

This stuff is absolutely everywhere these days. I don't care if we're talking about garden variety soda (or pop for you midwesterners) or so called vitamin infused waters. They're filled with sweeteners and those come in the form of high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, or even real sugar. Either way you're taking on added calories (and/or chemicals) that add up fast.

Instead, try drinking water (or water with a little lemon juice in it) whenever possible or try an iced tea. Keep the tea unsweetened which may take some getting used to. But drink your tea that way for a few weeks and you'll wonder why you ever put sugar in it in the first place.

Drink Water

I know, we just covered drinking water. But that was more about drinking water during meals as a replacement to soda. Drinking water helps curb thirst, which is often mistaken for hunger. Staying hydrated is important for keeping a healthy body so sipping away throughout the day will help keep hunger at bay.

Try starting your day with an 8 ounce glass of water as soon as you wake up. Sip throughout the day but also dry having another 8 ounce glass shortly before each meal to pre-fill your belly a little bit.

Start With Salad

Try adding a small salad to lunch and dinner whenever possible. It doesn't have to be large and you'll want to avoid drowning it in a high calorie dressing. But a small salad is a great way to get more veggies into your body which, in addition to being all around good for you, also helps fill you up before the main course.

Sleep Longer

A lack of sleep is bad for your body for a variety of reasons. But it can also impact your ability to lose weight and may even cause you to gain weight. When you lack sleep you tend to make poor choices so you're more likely to grab fast food, processed foods, and other high calorie garbage. A good night's rest also helps you feel energized each day and helps you make the most out of any exercise routine you have which can help you keep the pounds off.


Try snacking between or before a meal. Sounds like the opposite of what we've always heard but having healthy snacks 30-60 minutes before a meal (or throughout the day) will make you less hungry at meal time and thus likely to eat a bit less. As long as those snacks are healthy (fruits, vegetables, and so on) you won't be taking on bad fats and calories like you'll find in processed foods. After all, nobody's getting fat from eating too many veggies!

Want More?

You've seen some incredibly easy ways to be healthier which may lead to weight loss without going on a full blown diet. Want to keep the momentum going? Then be sure to also read Choosing A Diet Of The Healthiest Vegetables, A Healthy Lifestyle - Where Do You Start?, Are Processed Foods Bad For Your Health?, Change your life in 30 days, Choosing A Diet Of The Healthiest Vegetables, and Eat Until 80% Full, Live Longer.