How To Turn Off The Windows 10 Keylogger

How To Turn Off The Windows 10 Keylogger
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Learn how to stop Microsoft from tracking what you say and type in Windows 10.

• Technology: App / Software • Technology: DIY • Technology: How-To • Technology: Tips & Tricks • Games & Software: Windows PC

Did you know that Microsoft can track everything you type and say through Windows 10? It's true, and if you'd prefer to keep your privacy we'll show how to turn that "feature" off.

First, you may want to know why they're tracking what you say and type. The reason is Cortana, your new personal assistant that's built into Windows 10. The only way Cortana can truly personalize results is to watch what you type and listen to what you say. If you're a big fan of Cortana then you'll want to skip the rest of this article.

On the other hand, if you don't use Cortana that much or just value your privacy then follow along as we show you how to disable these features. Note that if you use similar products like Google Now or Apple's Siri you're likely also having your privacy invaded.

How To Protect Your Privacy In Windows 10

Step 1
Click your Start menu and select Settings (near the lower left).

Step 2

From the Settings window, choose Privacy.

Step 3

On the left you will be in the General tab. On the right, look for the section that reads "Send Microsoft info about how I write to help us improve typing and writing in the future". Turn that OFF.

Step 4

On the left side, choose the Speech, inking, & typing tab. On the right, click the "Stop getting to know me" button.

That's it, you're done. You'll have a bit more privacy now but you may also want to check some of the other tabs in this window. For example, if you don't want apps to know your location you can turn that off in the Location tab. There are many options in here that can help protect your privacy, and that's always a good thing to protect.