Google Chromebit - A $100 Mini Computer

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Google's latest Chrome Desktop entry is a tiny, sub $100 computer called Chromebit.

• Technology: Computer • Technology: Hardware

Google has just announced Chromebit, a tiny computer on a stick. This mini PC, made by ASUS, will be priced under $100 (pronounced: $99.99 I'd guess) and will run the Google Chrome desktop (Chrome OS).

You'll plug it into any monitor or TV with an HDMI slot and you have an instant computer to use. At such a low price point, the uses for this are endless.

Since it uses Bluetooth, you can pair up a mouse and keyboard and surf the web on your big screen. Stores and restaurants could use it to advertise, show sales, or display menu items.

While Chromebit doesn't run Android, Chrome OS still has a lot to offer which means that it will also be a great beginner PC for kids. I started my kids off on cheap-ish Chromebooks which gives them just enough power to learn and have fun without the worry of a virus ruining their day (and mine). You'll be able to run Netflix, Office 365, and many other apps and websites designed for the Chrome OS. This will include a long list of video games, but it's not competing with high end consoles at all.

Chromebit is based on an ARM processor, like one you'd find in a cell phone. The unit has 2GB of memory and 16GB of storage. Since it runs Chrome OS you'll be able to sync it to Google services like Gmail and Drive for cloud storage.

It's mind boggling to think how far computer tech has come in recent years. All of this power in such a small device. Sold!