Geode Explorer Science Kit Review

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Video and text review of the Geode Explorer Science Kit where you crack open your own geodes.

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This is a product review of the Geode Explorer Science Kit (affiliate link), purchase from Prime for around $30. Sophie purchased this item with her own birthday money.

The kit comes with 7 geodes, safety goggles, a small magnifying glass, two small plastic display stands, a couple of informational and activity books, and some goofy cardboard background.

You'll need your own hammer and simply crack open the geodes. Inside you can explore the neat crystals with the magnifying glass. It's fun for kids and teaches them more about rocks and geodes.

When you factor in the roughly $30 price tag the value is a little low. You're actually much better off buying some bulk geodes (affiliate link), maybe like these that give you a dozen for $10. The idea is good, the geodes are fine (though all boring clear/white color) so it's really just the high price that brings this down to a 4 star rating.