Urinary Tract Infection (Uti)

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
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If you have ever had a UTI you know how painful it can be.

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A UTI is caused by germs infecting the system that carries urine out of the body - the kidneys, bladder, and the tubes that connect them. When caught quickly it can be treated. But if not the infection can spread to the kidneys, causing a more serious illness.

Women are more likely than men to get a UTI because a woman's urethra - the tube that transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body is close to the anus and shorter than a man's urethra, making it easier for bacteria from the Lage Intestine to travel to the bladder.

Symptoms of UTIs

  • A burning feeling when you urinate

  • Feeling like you need to urinate, but very little comes out

  • Dark, cloudy, bloody, or strange smelling urine

  • Pain or pressure in your lower abdomen or back

  • Feeling shaky or tired

  • Mid-back pain, fever, or chills are signs that the infection has spread to the kidneys

Testing for a UTI

  • If you think that you may have a UTI call your doctor. They will ask you to give a urine sample, which will be tested for the presence of UTI-causing bacteria.

  • There are also home testing kits that you can buy at most pharmacies and grocery stores.

Treating a UTI

  • Once it has been determined that you have a urinary tract infection there are a few things that will treat the infection and make you feel better.

  • Your doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics, take as prescribed!

  • Drink lots of water to help flush out the bacteria from your system

  • Drinking cranberry juice also helps, but make sure that is it 100% juice and not the sugared up stuff

  • Using a heating pad helps with the pain

  • The OTC AZO Urinary Pain Relief also helps with the pain but DO NOT use before seeing a doctor because this product as it interferes with test results

  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, and soft drinks that contain caffeine because they can irritate your bladder and make you feel like you need to urinate more often

Protecting Yourself From UTIs

1 in 5 women will have more that one UTI in her lifetime. Here are some things that you can do to protect yourself from another one.

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Drink Cranberry juice

  • Take a cranberry supplement

  • Use the bathroom as soon as you feel like you need to urinate

  • Wipe from front to back after urinating and after a bowel movement helps prevent bacteria in the anal region from spreading to the vagina and urethra

  • Empty your bladder before and right after intercourse

  • Avoid irritating feminine products like deodorant sprays, douches, and powders in the genital area

  • Take showers instead of baths

  • Switch birth control methods, Diaphragms, unlubricated or spermicide-treated condoms, can all contribute to bacterial growth

  • Wearing cotton underwear can help keep your genital are free from moisture, which is the perfect environment for bacteria growth

Hopefully, these tips will help you out should you be unfortunate enough to have a urinary tract infection.