Baking Soda For Indigestion & Heartburn Relief

Baking Soda For Indigestion & Heartburn Relief
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Replace commercial heartburn and indigestion relievers with baking soda.

• Health: DIY • Health: How-To • Health: Natural Remedies

Baking soda has been used for many years as an indigestion and heartburn reliever. It does this by neutralizing stomach acid and preventing stomach acid from backing up in the esophagus. This works faster and better than commercial products.

1/2 tsp Baking Soda
2 cups water

Mix the baking soda into the water until dissolved and drink. Simple and effective.

Do not do this more than a few times a day and not more than 2 to three days in a row. If you need to drink this more often than that you may need to see a gastroenterologist.