Baby Shampoo

Image Credit fireballsedai|
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This is a great alternative to commercial baby shampoos.

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Baby Shampoo

There seems to be a preconceived idea of how babies should smell after a bath. I just want my children to be clean without bathing them in chemicals. This recipe can be used as body wash as well. For older children you can add in an essential oil of your choice.

1/4 cup Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap – Aloe Vera Baby Mild (unscented)

2 tablespoons oil of your choice (Almond Oil, olive oil, jojoba, or Calendula, etc.)

Optional: 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel or Vitamin E Oil (for added moisture without the oiliness)

Fill a bottle with all the ingredients, and then fill the rest slowly with water (the soap will suds up if you fill it quickly).

For a 12 oz. bottle, for a larger bottle, like 16 oz. just increase the oils by a 1/2 teaspoon or so to your liking. For even larger, like 24 oz., double the recipe. For 32 oz., increase the recipe 2 1/2 times).