How To Cook Artichokes

How To Cook Artichokes
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You can make a meal out of this easy to cook veggie!

• Food & Drink: How-To

Artichokes are so tasty and super good for you! Plus they are pretty darn easy to make.

Step 1
Start by rinsing them under cold water to clean them off. Then cut the stem off at the base of the artichoke. Peel off the bottom row of leaves. Cut the top third off with a large knife. Next using a pair of kitchen shears cut the tips of the remaining leaves off.

Step 2
Place artichokes in a steamer basket, then put the basket in a pot with about 2 inches of water. Put on lid and cook on medium high for 40 minutes.

Step 3
When time is up pick up the artichoke with tongs and poke the bottom where the stem was the a fork. The fork should easily pierce into the center when the artichoke is done. If not let it steam for another 5 minutes then check again.

You can serve artichokes with melted butter or mayonnaise.