When & How To Use There, Their, And They're

When & How To Use There, Their, and They're
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Ever get confused on which to use: They're, There, or Their? Read on for the simple way to remember when and how to use each one.

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I'm writing a sentence, should I use "There", "Their", or "They're"? This is one of those questions that tends to be confusing for writers both young and old. So let's clear up the confusion!

Let's get this one out of the way first because it's the easiest to remember. They're is a contraction of the words "they" and "are". So, you only use it when you are trying to write a smaller version of "they are" in your sentence.

Example: If Enzo and Sophie don't hurry up they're going to be late for the party.

This is the one that confuses people the most. The key is to remember that you use "their" to show possession or ownership. Meaning, use "their" when you are referring to something that somebody has or owns.

Example: Enzo and Sophie lost their money.

This is the one you are likely to use the most. It's often used to refer to a place like "over there".

You can also use it to refer to an unspecified place like "there are four cars across the street". Meaning, three cars exist and the place they exist is across the street.

Example: Enzo and Sophie left a big mess over there by the television.

When in doubt, remember that "They're" is two words in one and "Their" deals with possession (ownership). If those don't fit your sentence then "There" is the one you are looking for.