Seven Energy Efficiency Tips For Your Business

Seven Energy Efficiency Tips for Your Business
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Easy to apply solutions to make your business more energy efficient and save more money.

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No matter what business you're in, saving energy is the smart thing to do. Not only will you be reducing the impact your business has on the environment, but you will also see lower energy bills as a result. Here are seven ways you can make energy efficiency a part of your business model:

Trade In Inefficient Light Bulbs For More Efficient Ones

The kind of lighting you use depends on the kind of business you are in. Fluorescent tubes are common in many companies, but you may also have regular light bulbs, can lights, or even large halogen fixtures. When a bulb goes out, make the conscious choice to use an efficient bulb. For example, replace an incandescent bulb with an LED bulb. Even long fluorescent tubes come in LED replacements now. You get longer life and lower energy use, which will reduce your expenditures both on replacing bulbs and on electricity.

Install Occupancy Sensors On Lighting

Are there spaces in your business where people go only on occasion? These spaces include storage rooms, conference rooms, and break rooms. The occupancy sensors will detect when someone enters the space and turn on the light. The light stays on until the room is unoccupied again and then switches off.

When Replacing Equipment, Choose Energy Star Qualified Products

Energy Star is a government program that identifies the most energy-efficient products so buyers can choose a model that will help cut their energy use and lower their expenses. Office electronics like printers, PCs, and copiers are the classic examples. However, you can find Energy Star qualified products to replace restaurant equipment, lighting fixtures, windows, and thermostats, among others.

Turn Off Any Machinery When Not In Use

Put computers into sleep mode after 10 minutes of non-use. Plug all electronics into power strips that make it easy to turn everything off at the end of the day. Some electronics seem to turn off when they go into standby mode, but while this mode uses less energy, it still uses a steady power supply to stay alert for when someone wants to use the device again. Turn the power completely off on the device instead or remove the power physically with a power strip.

Have Heating And Cooling Equipment Checked And Tuned Every Year

This is a tip often given to homeowners, but it relates to commercial properties just as much. When air conditioning equipment is working at its best, its energy use is as efficient as it can be, and higher efficiency means lower electricity bills. An annual tune-up ensures this. In addition, remember to change air filters regularly to keep airflow clear as restricted air flow reduces efficiency.

Choose Energy Efficient Company Vehicles

When it comes time to replace your current company vehicle, choose its replacement based on energy efficiency, balanced with your needs. For example, unless you need a large truck for hauling big loads, choose a smaller truck or a car instead. Consider a hybrid or plug-in electric vehicle. Another option is an alternative fuel vehicle that uses ethanol, natural gas, or biodiesel.

Control The Amount Of Sun Coming In According To The Season

Direct sun in summer only adds to the work that the air conditioning system has to do to cool the building. However, that same sun can help heat the building during winter. Use shades and natural screening materials to regulate the amount of sun coming in. These expenses will be offset by your lower electricity bills.